The Truth About Personal Injury Lawsuits: Fact or Cap?

Personal injury is one of the facets of law that is riddled with myths and misconceptions. If you or a loved one has sustained an injury due to someone else’s negligence, just as you congregate your efforts towards recovery, you should also file a claim and seek assistance from a personal injury lawyer.

Today in this blog, we are going to talk about the many myths and facts that surround personal injury lawsuits.

1. Personal Injury Cases Are Long and Drawn Out

Fact or Cap?


Often people avoid filing in for personal injury because they take notoriously long to resolve. The fact that it involves a lot of paperwork, insurance, and multiple hearings only solidifies the above assumption. However, the truth is that most personal injury cases only take a few weeks to a few months to be resolved. Your attorney plays a key role here as the one responsible for collecting the important information on the case and putting it through the court.

2. The Responsible Party Pays Out of Their Pocket

Fact or Cap?

Partially Fact.

Some may shy away from filing a claim because they are under the impression that the party at fault pays for everything, but it is their insurance company that pays for the settlement. However, the person will be required to pay higher premiums to make up for the amount the insurer paid. Even then they will be required to pay the deductible before the insurance decides to cover anything at all.

3. There Will Be Multiple Court Hearings Before You’re Awarded a Settlement

Fact or Cap?


If you are lucky, you might be able to work with your personal injury lawyer and reach a settlement before the case even goes to court. In case you do have to attend a hearing, your attorney will do most of the talking. Sometimes, a hearing can go on for a few hours, but it is highly unlikely that there will be multiple of those.

4. You Can Take Your Sweet Time Filing for Personal Injury

Fact or Cap?


The state of Oklahoma has a statute of limitations of 2 years following the date of the injury. Once the 2 years are up, you are no longer eligible to claim compensation for damage. There are some additional rules which can shorten the statute of limitations to a year or less. We suggest a personal injury attorney to go over the fine print.

5. If You Have Insurance, You Don’t Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

Fact or Cap?


This couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, the insurance company can help you take care of the medical expenses and property damage, but you will still need help from an attorney to reach a settlement with the defendant (party at fault).

Find A Personal Injury Lawyer with Chiaf Law Offices

Don’t be intimidated by a personal injury lawsuit, our attorneys will help you every step of the way. We make sure you get the compensation you deserve and nothing less. We are proud to have served Oklahoma City for over 20 years now. Book a free consultation with us via our website. You can also reach out to us at (405) 524-1501.

**This content is not legal advice and does not presume, establish or imply any relationship between client and attorney.