The Less Known Facts to Ponder Regarding Oklahoma Worker's Compensation Claim
Workers in OKC always face the risk of getting hurt. They may also suffer from a work-related illness anytime. Furthermore, the job activities might be responsible for aggravating a severe medical condition. In any of these circumstances, you may be eligible to obtain workers' compensation advantages in Oklahoma.
Our workers compensation lawyer has helped several clients recover from work-oriented injuries in OKC. We helped them safeguard their benefits and held third parties accountable. Our clients' happy, smiling faces were enough to reveal their satisfaction levels. Allow this post to disclose the fundamental facts regarding the compensation claim.
Qualification for Multiple Compensation Benefits
The workers comp attorney offers a wide variety of benefits for ill and injured workers. Some of these advantages include:
Disability benefits help cover a fragment of your lost wages.
Medical benefits that enclose the treatment-related costs.
Vocational rehabilitation advantages that help in job placement.
The surviving kids or spouse of a worker who passes away due to work injury can receive death benefits. One of these includes the funds to cover burial and funeral costs.
The Assurance of No-Fault System
You can be eligible for workers' comp benefits despite being partially or fully at fault. The workers compensation lawyer can become your savior in such cases. However, getting intoxicated during the incident persuades the employer to deny your claim.
Covering Most Oklahoma Workers Using the Compensation Insurance
Several Oklahoman employers carry workers' compensation insurance or self-insure. You can expect to get coverage when you get injured in an accident. Some volunteer workers also become eligible for the benefits. However, independent contractors do not qualify.
Reporting Your Illness or Injury
It is crucial to report your illness to the employer within 30 days of the accident. You may also suffer from an occupational ailment or repetitive trauma injury. In such cases, it is crucial to report within 90 days of separation from the job. If you forget to do so, you may lose the compensation privilege.
Eligibility for Permanent or Temporary Disability Benefits
If an ailment or injury prevents you from working conveniently, you may receive permanent or temporary disability advantages. These benefits cover a fragment of the wage you lose every week.
Offering Our Helping Hands in Tough Times
The workers compensation lawyer of Chiaf Law Offices assures justice to everyday people. We have 60 years of experience in helping workers obtain compensation claims. Furthermore, we don't charge anything until you get the settlement. Hold our helping hands when the times get tough!
**This content is not legal advice and does not presume, establish or imply any relationship between client and attorney.