How Untreated Health Conditions in Truck Drivers Can Endanger Lives?
Road accidents are a terrible, terrible affair. Even more disastrous are the accidents when large trucks weighing tens of thousands of pounds are involved.
In the unfortunate event that an accident occurs, people almost always point the finger at faulty machinery, bad road conditions and maybe distracted driving. A very important factor that slips their attention is poor health of the truck driver. Determining liability and legal proceedings for accidents caused by health issues of the truck driver are a sticky and cumbersome affair but our supremely qualified truck accident lawyers will help you sort the matter.
How and what are the health conditions that concern whether a driver is fit for the road? We will discuss below.
Risky Health Concerns for Truck Drivers
Ideally, given how alert and responsive truck drivers need to be while driving, a healthy lifestyle is essential. However, considering the job's sedentary nature, lack of opportunities for physical activity and a diet mostly consisting of fast food, it can be very difficult for a truck driver to live that fit life.
Perhaps, now is a good time to list the most common health conditions that compromise a truck driver's ability to drive safe on the road.
Obese truck drivers often suffer from compromised gait and mobility. Studies haven't yet directly associated body habitus/shape and motor accidents but several of them do seem to hint at a linear relation between BMI and accident rates.
Heart Diseases
A heart or circulatory condition can hugely affect the driver's ability to drive safely. It can cause sudden bouts of dizziness or even blacking out and fainting. It is obviously very unsafe and warrants a conversion with the employer. While it is possible for proper medication and lifestyle to avert the possibility of a cardiac event while behind the wheel, such cases are still strictly moderated by the management.
High Blood Pressure
Malignant Hypertension requires the driver to stop driving entirely since it is very potent in causing strokes, heart attacks and concentration issues. Sometimes the medication prescribed for hypertension can also give rise to certain symptoms which cause difficulty driving.
Insulin and other medication leaves people prone to hypoglycemia (a sudden dip in blood sugar levels). Hypoglycemia makes it difficult for the driver to focus on the road or the surroundings. It is also known to partially impair vision and can even cause the truck driver passing out behind the wheel.
Diabetes is also associated with nerve damage in legs and feet which can affect driving.
In addition to the ones mentioned above, the following conditions are included in our count as well -
Visual and auditory impairment
Epilepsy or other Seizure disorders
Spacey Medication
Injured in a Truck Accident? Chiaf Law Office Will Help You
Humans err. Even after taking the tightest precautions, sometimes medical conditions can go undiagnosed, untreated and unreported. It is up to you to not let a mistake destroy your life. Oklahoma's best truck accident lawyers at The Chiaf Law will help with compensation and related legalities. Visit our website to schedule a 100% free, no obligation consultation today. Chose Chiaf Law as your legal representatives.
**This content is not legal advice and does not presume, establish or imply any relationship between client and attorney.