Did You Know Workplace Noise Can Cause Hearing Loss?

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a prevalent work hazard among workers in noisy environments. NIHL can be a slow onset or immediate, it can affect both ears and one. Workers also report that the hearing loss can be either temporary or permanent. Sometimes you won’t be able to tell that your hearing is compromised, until well into the future. NIHL is also known to accelerate age the decline of hearing that comes with age.

If workplace noise causes you hearing loss, it is imperative that you hold the employer responsible and contact on the job injury lawyers to build your compensation case.

Two Ways Workplace Noise Causes Hearing Loss

  • Noise that exceeds 135-140 decibels (dB) is more likely to cause immediate damage to the inner ear.

  • Noise that is not as highly peaked but continues over an extended period of time, this kind of noise damages the ear gradually.

Workplaces should have noise levels of 75 decibels or less to protect employees from the threat of hearing loss.

High levels of noise can also give rise to other health concerns such as increased blood pressure, tinnitus, stress, and anxiety. It is recommended to keep the noise level below 55 decibels in areas where workers are required to concentrate hard.

What Jobs are Susceptible to NIHL?

Flight Crew and Airline Workers

Airline workers is easily one of the loudest professions to exist. This includes the flight crew, maintenance workers, ground control, and baggage handlers. Jet engines emit noise as high as 140 decibels, sometimes even peaking at 190 decibels. The flight crew experiences around 130 decibels of noise each time the airplane takes off. On a regular day, airline workers are exposed to 85 decibels of noise.

Construction Workers

Construction work is prone to loud noises from different pieces of equipment like dozers, trucks, and jackhammers. Even the passing traffic contributes to the noise, taking it to as high as 120 decibels. A study found that construction workers deal with 85 decibels of noise for more than two-thirds of their work hours.


Between haul trucks, drilling equipment, and excavators, miners deal with abnormally high levels of noise for around 70% of their shifts. Working as a miner has left many susceptible to hearing loss. If you are one of them, it might be wise to hire an on the job injury lawyer.

Some other jobs that run a high risk of NIHL owing to precarious work conditions are -

  • Farmers

  • Factory workers

  • Bouncers and bartenders

  • Dentists

  • Mechanics

Meet an Injury Lawyer at Chiaf Law Offices

Chiaf law offices is Oklahoma City’s most trusted law firm, dedicated to extending legal support to our clients. We have fought for your rights for over six decades and the time and expertise have only made us better. Our diligent team is well versed in workplace injury cases along with personal injury and motor accidents. We offer 100% free, no-obligation consultations to our clients. To book a consultation at our Oklahoma office, call us at (405) 524-1501.

**This content is not legal advice and does not presume, establish or imply any relationship between client and attorney.